How to Increase Your K/D Ratio in Apex Legends: Pro Strategies for More Kills & Fewer Deaths

How to Increase Your K/D Ratio in Apex Legends: Pro Strategies for More Kills & Fewer Deaths

Your K/D ratio (Kill/Death ratio) in Apex Legends is one of the biggest indicators of your skill level. A high K/D shows that you consistently win fights, while a low K/D may mean you struggle to stay alive or secure kills. Whether you want to flex your stats or simply become a better player, this guide will teach you how to increase your K/D and dominate lobbies.

1. Land Smart, Not Hot (But Be Ready to Fight)

  • Hot dropping can hurt your K/D if you die instantly. Instead, land near high-tier loot zones but not directly in the chaos.
  • If you land hot, prioritize getting a gun fast—no looting, just fighting.

2. Master Your Aim & Recoil Control

  • Use aim training tools or play Firing Range drills to improve accuracy.
  • Focus on tracking moving targets and flick shots to improve your reaction speed.
  • Learn recoil patterns for popular weapons like the R-301, Flatline, and R-99.

3. Choose the Best Weapons for High K/D

  • Meta Weapons for Maximum Kills:
    ✅ R-301 & Flatline – Easy to control, consistent damage.
    ✅ R-99 & CAR SMG – Deadly in close-range fights.
    ✅ Peacekeeper & Mastiff – One-shot potential to finish fights fast.
    ✅ Wingman – High skill, high reward for landing shots.

4. Positioning: Always Play the High Ground

  • Height = Advantage. Being above your enemies makes landing shots easier and reduces your exposure.
  • Avoid running in the open—use cover and head glitches to minimize damage taken.
  • Third-party fights wisely—wait for teams to weaken each other, then clean up for easy kills.

5. Improve Your Movement to Dodge Bullets

  • Use bunny hopping, wall bouncing, and slide-jumping to make yourself harder to hit.
  • Strafe while shooting to throw off enemy aim.
  • Never stand still in fights—movement is the key to survival.

6. Play Legends That Suit Aggressive Playstyles

🔥 Octane – Great for pushing enemies with Stim & jump pad.
🔥 Wraith – Can reposition easily with Phase & portals.
🔥 Horizon – Uses Gravity Lift to gain high ground instantly.
🔥 Bangalore – Smokes allow for sneaky flanks & repositioning.
🔥 Bloodhound – Scans give instant enemy locations for faster fights.

7. Don’t Overcommit – Play Smart Fights

  • If a fight isn’t in your favor, disengage and reposition.
  • Don’t thirst for kills if it puts you at risk—focus on winning fights first.
  • Play with a squad or teammates who also want high-kill games.

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